How to Draw a Cool Cartoon Dragon TUTORIAL

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Dragons are some of the about well-known mythical creatures, made famous from fairy tales and ancient legends. If y'all want to pattern a dragon on your own, kickoff pick what type you desire to depict. Western dragons wait similar to other lizards or dinosaurs with wings and are some of the most normally seen types in art. Eastern (Chinese or Japanese) dragons normally don't take wings and resemble a snake more than a lizard. With a fleck of exercise and patience, you'll exist able to depict any blazon of dragon!

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  1. 1

    Make a big and small-scale circle next to one some other for the front and dorsum of the body. Commencement by making a big circle almost the middle of your newspaper, using a compass if y'all want to get it perfectly round. Then draw some other circumvolve that's about ii-thirds of the size of the beginning one to the left of it and so at that place's a small gap between them. The larger circumvolve will go the chest and shoulders of your dragon and the smaller one will be for the hips.[1]

    • Don't overlap the circles or else your dragon'southward body will look too brusque.
    • Your dragon will await longer if you put the second circle further away from the starting time one.
    • Exist careful not to draw the circles too big or else the rest of your dragon won't fit on the folio.
  2. ii

    Describe a smaller circle with a rounded trapezoid to make the dragon's head. Brand a circumvolve that's about 1-third of the size of the forepart of the trunk, and place information technology above the largest circumvolve then in that location's a big gap betwixt them. Where you draw the circle will determine how long your dragon'due south neck volition be. Add a small-scale rounded trapezoid to the correct side of the circle to give your dragon a snout.[ii]

    • Use a compass to draw the circle if you want it to look perfectly circular. Otherwise, it's okay to draw it freehand.
    • Draw with light pencil lines and then you can erase and reposition the head if you don't like where you drew it the first time.


  3. 3

    Sketch curved lines connecting the head and body circles. Start from the bottom of the caput and describe a curved line that connects to the far right side of the big circle. Then make another Due south-shaped line from the top of the caput and so information technology intersects the acme of the big circumvolve to complete the cervix. Add a curved line from the meridian of the large circle to the acme of the circle on the left. Make the dragon's stomach with another curved line that connects the bottom of the large circumvolve to the bottom of the circumvolve on the left.[3]

    • Avoid using straight lines when you connect the circles since information technology volition make the dragon look unnatural.
  4. 4

    Put in lines for the legs and then you know what shape to brand them. Commencement well-nigh the middle of the largest circle and draw a straight line angled backward so it extends by the lesser of the circle. So add a modest dot to the finish of the line for the ankle joint earlier drawing some other straight line angled forward that'due south almost i-fourth of the length of the offset i. Adhere a direct horizontal line for the dragon's pes. Continue adding lines for the legs on the front and back circles until your dragon has 4 legs.[4]

    • Some dragons may only have wings instead of front legs. (Those dragons are called lindworms or wyverns.) If you don't want your dragon to have front legs, merely leave them off.
  5. 5

    Sketch out rounded tube shapes around the lines you drew for the legs to majority them up. Kickoff by cartoon a curved line on either side of the leg lines you fabricated earlier. Make the legs and then they're about the same thickness every bit the diameter of the head. Go on the straight guide lines you drew in the center of the curved lines to add muscles to your dragon's legs. Extend the legs down to the ankle joints you drew at the lesser. Draw 3-4 toes on each foot that stop in points to give your dragon some claws.[5]

    • Y'all can likewise draw circles and ovals over your lines instead of tube shapes to make the musculature look more realistic.
    • Wait at pictures of other lizards and reptiles to utilise equally references for your dragon's feet since they may accept similar features.
  6. 6

    Add a curved tail coming out from the back of the trunk. Start from the top of the medium-sized circumvolve where the and depict a curved line going toward the left side of the folio. Brand the line most the aforementioned length as the dragon'south body earlier ending information technology. Then draw a second curved line from the bottom of the circle that follows the curves of the commencement line. Cease the 2nd line and then it forms a point with the commencement one.[6]

    • You tin draw your dragon's tail as long as y'all want information technology.
    • Make the tail narrower equally it gets closer to the tip so it looks natural.
  7. 7

    Sketch out curved lines for the shape of the dragon'south wings. Outset the base of the wing at the height of the largest circle just behind the dragon's cervix. Extend a curved line going back from the dragon's neck and end the line when it'south over the heart of the dragon's torso. So brand some other curved line going angled toward the head and end information technology earlier it intersects the neck. Brand a long curved horizontal line that ends above the tail to make the top of the wing.[seven]

    • You can add spikes to the top corner of your dragon's wings if you lot desire.
    • You can make the wings larger or smaller if you want.

    Tip: The second wing volition be hidden backside the one that's in front, and then yous don't need to worry about drawing it if you don't want to.

  8. 8

    Add together the webbing to the wings to connect them to the body. Start from the tip of the wing that'due south over the tail and make a wavy line back toward the center of the dragon'due south body. Once the line intersects the dragon'south back, describe curved lines from the top corner of the wing so they extend to the wavy line you just drew to brand the webbing.

    • Dragon wings traditionally look like to those of a bat, so you can use pictures of them equally references for your cartoon.
  9. nine

    Give your dragon features and horns on its head. Start past drawing modest circles for the eyes nigh the superlative of the head. Add together a bumpy brow ridge above the eye to brand your dragon look angry or menacing. Draw a line from the end of the muzzle toward the middle of the circle to add the mouth, and put a few pointed teeth coming out of the mouth. Then requite your dragon 2 curved horns coming off the back of its head to give it more character.[8]

    • Some dragons have ears that resemble their wings. If you desire to add ears, describe them directly below the horns.
    • The pupil in your dragon'south optics can be circular or look like a slit.
  10. 10

    Erase whatsoever lines y'all made that aren't a part of your dragon. Utilise your eraser to remove any marks you made that aren't a part of your dragon'southward torso, such as the circles or lines in the middles of the legs. Piece of work advisedly so you don't erase any of the dragon's outline, or else you'll accept to redraw sections. Wipe or accident away any eraser shavings to make clean off your paper.[9]

    • Utilise the eraser on your pencil or use a clickable sparse eraser to clean up lines in tight areas.
    • You tin get over your dragon's outline with a pen or thin marker before you lot erase the guide lines to ensure y'all don't remove any marks by accident. Permit the pen or mark dry completely before erasing since it could smear.
  11. 11

    Add scales if you desire to make your dragon look realistic. Once you clean upwards your drawing, add together minor curved or wavy lines inside the dragon's body to make a calibration texture on its skin. Don't draw every single scale since it could brand your drawing look messy. Piece of work lightly in pencil so you can erase the scales if they brand your drawing visually confusing or if you want to accommodate the size of the scales.[10]

    • You don't need to give your dragon scales if y'all don't want.
    • You may likewise add spikes along your dragons back to add together more texture and particular.
  12. 12



  1. 1

    Draw a circle with a curved jaw for your dragon'south head. Identify a circle near the top left side of your paper, making sure it's not too large or else the rest of the dragon won't fit on the folio. Connect a small curved trapezoid shape to the left side of the circumvolve to create a rough outline for dragon'southward snout.[xi]

    • Use a compass or trace effectually a circular object if yous want to depict the circle perfectly.
  2. ii

    Brand 2 more circles of the same size below and to the right of the caput. Position the first circle below the head and then there's a pocket-sized gap between them. This showtime circle volition be where y'all place the front pair of legs. Place the second circle to the right of the circumvolve you only drew and so information technology's the aforementioned distance away as the caput'due south diameter. Brand sure the center of the right circle lines up with the top of the start circle you drew this step.[12]

    • You lot don't have to draw perfect circles for the body, but y'all tin use a compass or circular object if you want.
    • Identify the second circle farther away from the start i if you want your dragon to have a long body.
  3. 3

    Sketch a curved tube to connect the head with the other circles. Beginning a line at the top of the head and brand an S-shaped curve down toward the pinnacle of the showtime circumvolve. Continue curving the line until it intersects with the superlative edge of the 2d circumvolve. Repeat the process starting at the bottom of the head and making your curved line to the left side of the beginning circle. Keep extending the line until yous achieve the bottom of the second circle.[13]

    • Eastern dragons take bodies like to snakes, and so look at pictures of how a snake curves its body for references.
  4. iv

    Put a curved tube ending in a point coming off of the far right circle for the tail. Start from the summit of the far correct circle and make another South-shaped curve going toward the right side of the folio then it's the same length as the head to the first circle. So make a second line from the lesser of the circle and follow the same shape every bit your first line. Taper the end of the tail until it comes to a point at the stop. Your dragon volition at present look like a long snake.[14]

    • Y'all tin can brand the tail as long as you lot want.
  5. 5

    Add legs to the bottoms of the curves on the trunk. Describe a straight tube coming out from the centre of the circle at the front of the dragon's body that's equally long every bit the circle's diameter and well-nigh 1-quarter as thick. Extend the tube downward by the bottom of the circle earlier drawing a box for the dragons human foot. Add iii-4 skinnier tubes that are about one-3rd the length of the leg onto the sides of the box to make your dragon'southward claws. Depict the other front leg and the back legs the same way.[15]

    • Yous don't have to depict the back legs on your dragon if you lot don't want to.
    • Your dragon's feet don't demand to be flat on the ground since Eastern dragons are ordinarily drawn flying.
  6. six

    Draw long pilus around the dragon's head and legs. Eastern dragons have pilus around their faces and the bases of their legs. Describe clumps of pilus that end in a bespeak coming out from where the dragon'south head connects to its neck. Then draw hair in the same way around where the dragon's legs connect to the body for additional item.[16]

    • Y'all can brand the hair as long or as short as you want.
    • You can also sketch hair running downward the heart of the dragon's dorsum if you want.

    Tip: Eastern dragons may also have beards, so include some hair on the bottom of the muzzle if you desire to.

  7. 7

    Give your dragon facial features. Kickoff by drawing eyebrows on the front of your dragon's head the aforementioned way you added the hair. Draw circles underneath the eyebrows for your dragon's eyes and put in round pupils. Add a curved line running along the side of the muzzle to add the dragon's mouth, and draw a few sharp teeth poking out from it. And then add sparse wavy tubes above the mouth coming out nearly the front end of the dragon's muzzle to give it whiskers.[17]

    • You lot may also cull to add knobby antlers coming out from the top of your dragon's caput.
    • If you want to requite your dragon ears, add oblong oval shapes to the sides of its head.
  8. 8

    Erase the circles and other guidelines you drew to make clean up your drawing. Become through your drawing with an eraser and go rid of any lines that aren't a part of your dragon'southward body, such as the circles on the trunk or head. Exist conscientious not to erase any of the details yous added so y'all don't have to redraw them. Tip your paper upright to become rid of any eraser shavings when y'all're finished.[18]

  9. ix

    Add together curved lines for scales down the length of your dragon's body. Make repetitive C-shapes that follow the curves of your dragon'south body to add the scales. Depict the scales so they're similar in thickness to your dragon's legs so information technology doesn't get visually messy. Continue working downward the full length of the dragon's body until y'all've added all of the scales.[19]

  10. 10



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  • Question

    How do I describe an ice dragon?

    Community Answer

    Draw dragon #ii, but instead of flames, depict mist with a light shade of gray and blue. For the rest of the torso, color it with unlike shades of blue and grey spikes.

  • Question

    How do I depict a nightwing from Wings of Burn down?



    Customs Reply

    Use the #ii model and give it nighttime colors like black, deep imperial, and very dark blue. Add silver or greyness dots nether the wings.

  • Question

    How exercise I draw a better looking dragon?

    Community Answer

    Often it is easier to become online and expect at images of dragons for inspiration. If you want your dragon to expect "clearer", try drawing with pencil and paper, not on a computer.

  • Question

    Is this a hard pic to draw?

    Community Answer

    It might exist if you wonder about information technology instead of trying. Cartoon always seems difficult at first and information technology is until y'all take practiced it sufficiently. Give it a get, don't worry almost the commencement many attempts not working, equally the process of trying is what matters and creates your drawing skills. If you give up before y'all fifty-fifty start, you'll never learn.

  • Question

    How practice I draw a lightening dragon?

    Community Answer

    Draw dragon #2 with lightning around its wings, color it blue, and draw a lightning commodities instead of a flame

  • Question

    How long will it have me to get the perfect dragon?

    Community Answer

    It will depend on your electric current skills and the corporeality of time your spend practicing.

  • Question

    How should l make my baby dragon?

    Eve Wolvington

    Eve Wolvington

    Customs Answer

    Endeavour making a baby dragon a flake smaller than an developed with proportionally larger eyes, cheeks, and feet. It might besides help to draw very modest horns.

  • Question

    Is in that location an easier way to draw a dragon's center?

    Community Answer

    Try drawing an oval with points on the sides instead of rounded edges. Inside the oval, describe a vertical line.

  • Question

    How do you depict Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon 1 and 2?

    Community Answer
  • Question

    How can I know the deviation betwixt guidelines and parts of the dragon?

    Community Answer

    Guidelines aid y'all to draw the actual dragon. The dragon is much more detailed than the guidelines, which may be blocked or random shapes that aid you run into the actual dragon equally it forms but aren't needed once the drawing is in identify.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • The color of your dragon tin determine what environment it lives in or what powers it has. For example, a blueish dragon may exhale water ice while a cherry dragon would breathe fire.

  • Expect at pictures of real animals and employ them for influences and references when you lot add together features to your dragon.

  • Piece of work lightly in pencil so yous can erase the marks if y'all brand a mistake.

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  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser

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Article Summary X

"To describe a dragon, beginning decide whether you desire to depict a drawing dragon, which will have lots of elementary curved lines, or a realistic dragon, which will have more complicated angled lines. Then, choose whether yous want your dragon to exist breathing burn, flying, continuing on 2 legs, or posing some other way. When you're ready, sketch the frame of your dragon using basic shapes similar circles and squares. After y'all make the frame, go back in and add details like scales, the eyes, and the wings. "

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How to Draw a Cool Cartoon Dragon TUTORIAL

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